My current visual novel review project, *The Letter*, is the 2008 translation of a 2007 Japanese vis...
My current visual novel review project, The Letter, is the 2008 translation of a 2007 Japanese visual novel called Tegami. Like most of the al|together translation projects visual novels, Tegami was written in NScripter. However, the 2007 release was its second release. The first version was created with Yuuki! Novel. I looked up Yuuki! Novel and found a couple of interesting resources: (Last capture of official website, download links still work) (short article about)
I downloaded the latest release of Yuuki! Novel (latest being from 2005) and an English-language translation of some of its docs. File away for a future project.
#tegami #insani #yuukinovel #visualnovels #NScripter