An osmosmemo-powered link list (or blog) curated by N.A. Ferrell. Mirrored from GitHub.
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2023-08-25 15:39:16 +00:00 New summary added by osmos::memo 2023-08-25 15:39:16 +00:00

  • Screen Tearing on Intel Graphics A guide for fixing screen tearing on Linux computers with Intel Graphics Controllers. I used this guide to fix screen tearing on an old netbook with an Intel 2nd Generation Core Integrated Graphics Controller on Bodhi Linux 7.0. Note that this guide was published in 2018. #linux#screen-tearing#bodhi-linux
  • Free and open source hosted service for turning truncated RSS/ATOM feeds into full text feeds. It can also create feeds for sites which do not produce them with custom XPath rules. #feeds#tools
  • Stract - Explore the Web Stract is an new open source search engine with its own crawler. Its explore feature tries to find similar domains to the domain entered. #search #discovery