2023-09-10 02:29:17 +00:00
< ? php
// Exit if accessed directly
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if ( ! function_exists ( 'chld_thm_cfg_locale_css' ) ) :
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function chld_thm_cfg_parent_css () {
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2024-09-03 02:26:22 +00:00
2024-09-03 02:30:10 +00:00
// specific functions for Relevanssi Light search plugin, do not use if you are not using the plugin
add_filter ( 'relevanssi_light_custom_fields' , function ( $fields ) { return array ( '_genesis_description' ); } ); // add The SEO Framework meta description to Relevanssi Light index
add_filter ( 'relevanssi_light_boolean_mode' , '__return_true' ); // enable boolean search mode for Relevanssi Light
2024-09-03 02:26:22 +00:00
// add dublin core metadata to header
function add_dublin_core_metadata () {
if ( is_single ()) {
$post_id = get_the_ID ();
$author = get_post_field ( 'post_author' , $post_id );
$author_name = wp_kses_post ( get_the_author_meta ( 'display_name' , $author ));
$title = wp_kses_post ( get_the_title ());
$date = get_the_date ( 'Y-m-d' );
$description = wp_kses_post ( get_the_excerpt ());
$publisher = 'SITE NAME' ; // replace with your own site's name
$rights = 'Copyright ' . date ( 'Y' ) . ' ' . $publisher . '. All Rights Reserved.' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.title" content="' . esc_attr ( $title ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . esc_attr ( $author_name ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.date" content="' . esc_attr ( $date ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.description" content="' . esc_attr ( $description ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.publisher" content="' . esc_attr ( $publisher ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.rights" content="' . esc_attr ( $rights ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.type" content="Text">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html">' ;
} else {
$blog_title = wp_kses_post ( get_bloginfo ( 'name' ));
$blog_description = wp_kses_post ( get_bloginfo ( 'description' ));
$publisher = 'SITE NAME' ; // replace with your own site's name
$rights = 'Copyright ' . date ( 'Y' ) . ' ' . $publisher . '. All Rights Reserved.' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.title" content="' . esc_attr ( $blog_title ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.description" content="' . esc_attr ( $blog_description ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.publisher" content="' . esc_attr ( $publisher ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.rights" content="' . esc_attr ( $rights ) . '">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.type" content="Text">' ;
echo '<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html">' ;
add_action ( 'wp_head' , 'add_dublin_core_metadata' );